
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just a sneak peek...

Well wow, wow, wow!  No really, WOW!  It's not every day that I DIY something and actually loooove it when I'm done.  I usually look at my DIY project and say "ummmm, yeahhhh, okay, that's not that bad, but...hmmmm" and then I over analyze it and I'm left feeling like I've busted my hump for no good reason at all (sighhhhh).  Truth is I just have really high expectations.

Today is a different cabinets are looking all jazzed up and I'm feelin' fine!  Here is a little tiny sneak peek...(mind you this was taken with my phone at about 10 o'clock at night)  Scroll down and look at the before pics.  This DIY was quite a success :-)

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